So just so you know, Gabe and Wendy are my best friends. I've known them now for three years. Both before they married each other. Gabe owns the Dj business I Dj for. They are so much fun. Well back in the day, which was a Wednesday if you were curious, Gabe's business was small but growing. I remember how it used to be. Well now he does an array of thing. One of his new attractions that he brings to the table is a fully functioning portable photobooth. The dance that we did was for a youth conference. So all the kids got to take picture with their friends then we would print them out a copy. Well it wouldnt be complete if we didn't have ours done. Gabe and Wendy are the couple up front. The other couple is Russ and Antonia, friends who help us get the job done. The girl behind me is Bradee, she was shadowing me. Guess she wants to learn from the best.
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8 years ago
I never knew you were into Twilight. What's up with that???
AAAAHhh, so fun! I am about to figure out how to add our other photobooth pics from the party!
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